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HTML Chapter 1: “Structure” (pp.12-39)

name description example
tags act like containers. They tell you something about the information that lies between their opening and closing tags. <p> </p>
Attributes Provide additional information about the contents of an element. They appear on the opening tag of an element. They are made up of 2 parts “name’ and “value” <a href=”url”>
Body Everything inside this element is shown in the browser <body></body>
Head Contains information about the page <head></head>
Title Shown in the top of the browser above where you usually type in the URL of the page or on the tab <title></title>

HTML Chapter 8: “Extra Markup” (p.176-199)

name description example
Doctypes Each page should begin with a doctype. html 5 =<DOCTYPE html> XML declartion= <?xml version=”1.0” ?>
Comments It is a good idea to add comments to your code so you always have a reference to go back to <!– your comment –>
ID attribute it is used to uniquely identify that element form other elements <p id=”example”>
Class Attribute Identify multiple elements of he page <p class=”example”>
Block Elements that appear to start on a new line in the browser window <h1> <p> <ul> <li>
Inline Continues on the same line of neighboring elements <a> <b> <em> <a>
div allows you to group a set of elements together <div></div>
span Acts like a inline equivalent of div <span></span>
iframe A little window that has been cut in to your page. abrevation for inline frame. Uses attributes src, height, width, frameborder, scrolling, seamless <iframe width=”” height=”” src=”url”></iframe>

Information on the page

name description example
Meta it contains information about the page. it is an empty element that does not have closing tags. <meta>
escape character used for when you want characters to appear on your page. Put a “\” before the character \

HTML Chapter 17: “HTML5 Layout” (pp.428-451)

HTML5 uses a new set of elements that allow you to divide up parts of the page.

name description example
header used for the main header of the page. Usually contains site name. <header></header>
footer At the bottom of the page. Contains copyright information or a site map. <footer></footer>
Navigation Used to contain the major navigational blocks on the site. Links are used a lot in the nav <nav></nav>
Articles Acts as a container for any section of a page that could stand alone. <article></article>
Asides Contains information that is related to the article. When outside of an article it acts as container for content as it relates to the entire page. <aside></aside>
sections Groups related content together. Each section has its own heading <section></section>
Heading groups To group together on or more elements of <h1> through <h6>. They are treated as one single heading <hgroup>
Figures Can be used to contain any content that is referenced from the main flow of an article. Used for graphs, videos, images etc <figure></figure>

Older browsers that do not know the new HTML5 element will automatically treat them as inline elements. For this include a line of CSS that which elements should be rendered as block elements.

HTML Chapter 18: “Process & Design” (pp.452-475

Thing to think about

  1. who is your site for?

    • Target audience : individuals
      • What is the age range?
      • What gender? Mixed?
      • Which country?
      • Where they live? Urban, rural, etc
      • Average income?
      • Level of education?
      • Marital Status
      • Occupation?
      • How many hours they work?
      • How often they use the web?
      • What device they use when accesiing the web?
    • Target audience : Companies
      • Size of the company?
      • Position of people at the company?
      • Who is this sit for?
      • How large is the budget they control?

Template for types of visitors

Name Gorder Molly Jasper Tony Ivy
Gender M F M M F
Web Use          

Why people visit your site?

There are 2 types of categories: Motivation and Goals

Motivation - Entertainment? Professional? Luxury?

Goals - General information? News? Learned about product? Do they need to contack you.

What are your visitors trying to achieve?

List of reasons why people would visit site

What your visitors need?

List of information they need to achieve goals

How often people will visit your site?

Site map

  1. Create a diagram of what the pages that will be used to structure the site
  2. Card sorting - Place information on seperate pieces of paper that visitors might need to know.


Wireframe - is a simple sketch of the key information that goes on each page. Shows the hierarchy and how much space it needs.

~Don’t include color scheme, font choices, backgrounds or images for the website~

JS Chapter 1: “The ABC of Programming” (pp.11-52)

Writing a script

  1. Define the goal
  2. Design the script
  3. Code each step

Designing a script

  1. Tasks
  2. Steps

How HTML, CSS and Javascript fit together

Type Description Example
Script is a series of instructions that a computer can follow one-by-one.  
Statement each step in a script. Should end in a ;. These are instructions and should start on a new line.  
Code Blocks statements that are surrounded by curly braces. They should not be followed by a semicolon.  
Objects Each object has its own properties, events and methods  
Properties Characteristics of an object.  
Events The way people interact with objects. Used to trigger a section of code.  
Multi line comments over multiple lines starts with /* and ends with */
Single line anything that follows the two forward slash comments // comment
Variable Stores data temporarily in a script so it can work. The data changes or varies what each script does. Var “variable name” = “value”;
Booleans True or false values true
numbers handles numbers or integers. These are not written in quotes 1 2 3
String consists of letters; values are immutable. Can’t be altered. abc
Assignment operator Remember that everything to the right of the equals sign is evaluated first  
Camel case upper case that follows the word. js does not use spaces in var  
Concatenating link (things) together in a chain or series  
floats Decimal numbers  

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