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HTML Lists, CSS Boxes, JS Control Flow

Chapter 3: “Lists” (pp.62-73)

Type Description Example
Ordered Lists are lists where each item in the list is numbered. <ol><li>
Unordered lists are lists that begin with a bullet point <ul><li>
Definition lists are made up of a set of terms along with the definitions for each of those terms <dl>
Definition Term Used to contain the term <dt>
Definition Contains the definition <dd>
Nested lists are lists contained in lists <li><li>

Chapter 13: “Boxes” (pp.300-329)

Boxes have 2 dimensions width and height.

Type Description Example
Limiting Width Specifies the smallest size and the largest of a box’s width max-width:200px; min-width:50px;
Limiting Height Specifies the smallest size and the largest of a box’s height max-height: 30px; min-height: 10px;
Overflow Tells the browser what to do if the content contained within a box is larger that the box itself. Values: hidden or scroll overflow: hidden; overflow: scroll;
Border width Controls width of a border border-width: (thin, medium, thick)
Border style Changes the styles of the border  

Chapter 4: “Decisions and Loops” from switch statements on (pp.162-182)

Type Description Example
Switch Statements Starts with a variable called the switch value. Each case indicates a possible value for this variable and the code that should run if the variable matches that value. switch () {case ‘one’: ; case ‘two’: ‘}
Type coercion When js converts data types behind the scenes to complete an operation. string ‘1’ can me converted to number 1
Falsy values are treated as if they are true Boolean false; number 0; empty strings; NaN; variable with no value;
Truthy Values are treated as if they are true Boolean true; Numbers other than 0; Strings with content; number calculations; true written as a string; false written as a string.
Unary operator returns a result with just one operand.  


Loops - check a condition. If it returns true, a code block will run. then the condition will be checked again and if it still returns true, it will run again. this repeats until the condition returns false.



types Description Example
For If you need to run a code a specific number of times. Often used to loop thought the items in an array for ( i = 0; i > 10; i++){document.write(i)}
While If you do not know how many times the code should run.  
Do while Key difference: it will always run the statements inside the curly braces at least once, even if the condition evaluates to false  

For loops

Loop counters

types Description
Initialization Create a variable and set it to 0. This variable is commonly called i, and it acts as the counter; var i =0;
condition The loop should continue to run until the counter reaches a specified number.;i < 10;
Update Every time the lop has run the statements in the curly braces, it adds one to the counter.; i++

Key loops

Consider three points:

for loop example: For example

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