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HTML Images; CSS Color & Text

Chapter 5: “Images” (pp.94-125)

Images should:

Be sure to keep images in its own folder

Type Description Example
Adding images you have to use the <img> tag whit src. It is also good practice to use alt to provide text description. <img src="image" alt="name"></img>

its good to manage the size of the images with width and height in CSS

There are 3 places you can place your image

3 rules for creating images

  1. Save images in the right format
  2. Save images at the right size
  3. measure images in pixels

Your can use tools to edit and save images in the right format to ensure that they the right size, format, and resolution.

Type Description Example
JPEG when you have many colors in pic  
GIF With few colors or large areas with the same color.  
Transparency Has to be either transparent gif or PNG format to be able to be transparent  

<figure> elements have been created in HTML5 to capture images. You can also use <figcaption> to put a caption under the image.

images should be saved at the same width & height that you want them to be used on your page.

Chapter 11: “Color” (pp.246-263)

Type Description Example
Foreground colors Allows you to specify the color of text inside an element. color: red:
Background color Controls the color property of the background background-color: green;
Opacity Your can use rgba or hsla to control the opacity. rgba(0,0,0,.5); & hsla(0, 40%, 100%, .5);

Chapter 12: “Text” (pp.264-299)

Type Description Example
font-family Helps you specify the typeface that should be used.  
font-size specify the size for the font.  
@font- face allows you to use a font even though it’s not in your computer.  
Font-weight create bold text  
font-style create italic text  
text-transform change to uppercase or lowercase  
text-decoration if you want to underline, overline, line-through and blink  
line-height vertical space between text  
text-align the alignment of text. left, right, center, justify (takes up the full line)  
vertical-align commonly used with inline elements.  
text-indent allows you to indent the text.  
text-shadow creates a drop shadow  
:first-letter a pseudo element at the end of the selector to customize the first letter.  
:hover when a user hovers over an element  
:active when an element is being activated by a user  
:focus When you have already interacted with the link  

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