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JS Debugging

JavaScript book, Ch. 10, “Error Handling & Debugging”

Things to consider

if a javascript statement generates an error then it throws an exception. At that point the interpreter stops and looks for exception-handling code.

Error objects can help you find where your mistakes are and browsers have tool to help you read them.

Property Descriptions
name Type of error
message description
fileNumber Name of the javascript file
lineNumber Line number of error

7 types of error objects

Property Descriptions
Error Generic error - the other errors are all based upon this error
Syntax error Syntax has not been followed
Reference Error Tried to reference a variable that is not declared
TypeError an unexpected data type that cannot be coerced
RangedError numbers not in acceptable range
URIError encodeURI(), decodeURI(), and similar methods used incorrectly
evalError eval() functioned incorrectly

You can handle errors graceully using try, catch, throw and finally statements.

try {
  // try to execute this code
} catch (exception) {
  // if there is an exception, run this code
} finally {
  // this always gets executed


  1. Where is the problem?
  2. what exactly is the problem?


  1. Console Table() method:
    • objects
    • arrays that contain other objects
var contacts = {
  "london": {
    "tel": "+44 (0)200 948 0128:,
    "country"= "UK"},
  "New Youk": {
    "Tel": "+1 (0)1 555 2104
    "country": "USA"}


var city, contactDetails;
contactDetails = '';

$.each(contacts, function(city, contacts){
  contactDetails += city + ': ' + contacts.Tel + '<br />;
$('h2').after('<p>' + contactDetails  + '</p>');

Learn breakpoints –> p476 & p477

Setting multiple breakpoints allows you to step through code.

You can add conditional breakpoints.

Throwing errors

If you know something might cause a problem for your script, you can generate your own errors before the interpreter creates them.

throw new Error('message')

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