
Project maintained by will-ing Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Assorted Topics

Chapter 16: “Images” (pp.406-427)

Property Descriptions
background-image Allows you to place an image behind any HTML element.
Background-repeat the image is repeated. repeat-x repeat-y no-repeat fixed
background-position where the image should be placed in the background.
background (shorthand) color image repeat attachment position

Chapter 19: “Practical Information” (476-492)

How to identify keywords and phrases

  1. brainstorm
  2. organize
  3. research
  4. compare
  5. refine
  6. map

Analytic tools allow you to see how many people visit your sit,, how they find it, and what they do when they get there.

In order to put your site on the web you will need a domain name and web hosting.

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